Thursday 1 March 2012

Analysing a Similar Title Sequence

Analysing the title sequence of thriller film 'Six Feet Under'

The sequence begins with the shot of a blue sky and a black bird's silhouette to the right of the screen above the first credit.The music is somewhat eerie and from this i assume the bird is a lone magpie representing sorrow.
The next shot is of two hands which begin holding then pulled apart. This begins to tell the audience the story of the film and the idea that loss and seperation play a big part in this film.
The next cut moves to a close up shot of someones feet on a metal slab with a label over their toe. The audience do not know who this is but it intrigues the view to continue watching. The previous themed shots insintuate this body is in a morgue.
Next it moves along to the trolley rolling down a corridoor oushed by a dark silhouette which lets the trolley go. The identity of the person is unknown to the audience as his face is not in sight creating again mystery in order to set the theme and capture an audiences attention.
Then we see the side of the person on the trolleys face but the audience still cannot see who it is but it is clear they are dead due to the dull colour of the skin and the lighting of the whole sequence. Following this the body is prepped for burrial in a white dress.However from the previous shots i interpret the white as innocence and that something not right has happened.
The next shot is an extreme close up of the birds feet displaying its claws. This title sequence uses symbolism to give the message of dark and morbid events. We then see a grave stone obviously representing death but is also a clever use of the title sequence as the producers name appears to be carved in to the head stone.
The final shot is of a lone tree on a hill possible representing isolation and death. The name of the film 'Six Feet Under' then appears in a square drawn to scale around six feet under the tree.

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